As part of our Lent Journey in 2022 we are following the Church of England's daily reflections on the theme of #LiveLent Embracing Justice.
For each day of Lent, #LiveLent Embracing Justice booklet offers a daily Bible reading, a short reflection and a prayer, as well as a practical challenge. Each week follows a different thread through the many stories of justice in the Bible to explore how God works with humanity to bring justice, wholeness and salvation to all. You can get the reflections though booklets available in the back of church or online or via a smartphone app (later in February).
However many of us like to talk about what we've read and reflected on so we are going to offer 'Join the Conversation' sessions twice a week during Lent. These will be informal conversations hosted by a member of the ministry team for people to turn up and talk about what they've read. Please use either of the sessions and do feel free to come to one, two or them all. We really do look forward to seeing you!
We'll be in the Moon & Mushroom pub on Monday evenings - (7th March to 4th April), 7.30pm to 8.30pm - just turn up!
On Zoom on Wednesday afternoons (9th March to 6th April) 3.30pm to 4.30pm. (Please email Mark or Katrina for the link)
We look forward to the conversations!