Supporting our Churches through financial giving.
The Christian faith is one of both deep gratitude to God for His blessings throughout our lives but also one of dependence on God for all that we need. Every week we acknowledge our dependence on God as we present our offerings in church with the words “All things come from you, and of your own do we give you”. It is because of the generosity of God that we in turn aspire to be generous givers.
Our churches also depend on our giving to keep the lights on and the rain out. To fund our clergy and mission to the communities in which we live.
Recently giving to our churches has become a lot easier with the introduction of a giving scheme that makes the administration much easier and cheaper. It's now all online as well. The parish giving scheme collects gifts from donors via direct debit and passes them directly to parish churches. Donors can easily vary the amounts and the scheme also collect the tax back.
This video explains how it works:
Currently five of our parishes are part of these scheme. If you would like to contribute to any (and we would be very grateful) please select the appropriate link below and follow the 'give now' links.
Thank you