The Carlford Churches are a group of Anglican Churches in Suffolk, just north of Ipswich. We are a community of over two hundred people spread across our nine historic rural churches and villages.
As part of living out our Christian faith we offer a range of worship services each Sunday in different churches. During the week we offer a variety of other activities including mid-week services and discussion groups, a toddler group, an after school group and coffee mornings. We are also involved in a number of warm room and food support projects.
We also offer online services for those that can't make it to church - On Facebook normally at 11am. Our newsletter MiniGrapevine comes out on Fridays.
We are also here to support anyone in our villages by offering a friendly chat so please do feel free to contact us.
Coming Next

Currently we have an online service at 11am each Sunday on Facebook.

Are you - or is someone you know – struggling to make ends meet?
We can help with a weekly, fortnightly or monthly bag of food.

We have three different opportunities especially for children to get involved in. You'd be very welcome.

The Parish Giving Scheme is a wonderfully easy way to be able to make donations to our parish churches online in a secure and controllable way.
Our weekly newsletter by email, sent on Fridays, has all the news and events for our parishes and you can also find the latest edition here:
or Subscribe